Eurostat data query
Available tables:
- Animal populations by NUTS 2 regions
- Selling prices of animal products (absolute prices) - annual price (from 2000 onwards)
- Selling prices of crop products (absolute prices) - annual price (from 2000 onwards)
- Wine balance sheet - marketing year
- Crop production - historical data (1955-1999)
- Crop production by NUTS 2 regions - historical data (1975-1999)
- Crop production in EU standard humidity
- Crop production in EU standard humidity by NUTS 2 regions
- Laying hens population - annual data
- Poultry - annual data
- Poultry - monthly data
- Hatcheries - hens, annual data
- Hatcheries - poultry other than hens - annual data
- Cows'milk collection and products obtained - annual data
- Cows'milk collection and products obtained - monthly data
- Milk collection (all milks) and dairy products obtained - annual data
- Bovine population - annual data
- Equidae - annual data
- Goats population - annual data
- Pig population - annual data
- Sheep population - annual data
- Slaughtering in slaughterhouses - annual data
- Bovine production forecasts - head - bi-annual data
- Meat production and foreign trade - head - monthly data
- Production forecasts pig - head - quarterly data
- Slaughtering in slaughterhouses - monthly data
- Production of cow's milk on farms by NUTS 2 regions